Music & Words

Indie music blog. Their music, our words, in perfect harmony.

Liebster award: check out these great blogs

The blogosphere seems infinite and there’s awesome talent wherever I end up. I love it. It can be the best of humanity sometimes and I’ve prepared a nice bunch of flowers for you from this ever-so-beautiful field of blogging.

The Liebster Award is a new-comer award given by bloggers to other bloggers, it creates a great platform for new blogs to be discovered and build communications. The best thing about this award is, it creates a lot of encouragement and support within our blogging community.

Big thanks to Ioana who has nominated me, it was awfully kind of her! She has a beautiful blog that’s a pleasure to read, and a beautiful personality that’s a pleasure to get to know.

Of course the award comes with a price. First, she set 10 questions. 10! Seriously, that’s a lot! Then, I had to collect 10 other blogs to nominate and it should be easy coz there’s so many out there but how do you choose 10 of them?? But I’ve figured it out. Tranquila, as my Spanish lovelies like to say, it’s all gonna be fine.

The Q&A

If you had the awesome opportunity to live anywhere else than where you are now, where would you want to live and why?

Ireland. It’s my home more than home, my spiritual mother, my safe place. I’ve left her to find new adventures, to abandon the dark routine I let myself sink into but every fiber of my being longs for the clouds (did you know there are millions of shades to grey?), for the coast that feels like a hug from your grandpa who has spent his whole life working in the field – his skin is hard, his hug is awkward, his love is tough. But it makes you come alive. I wanna take a walk in the town with the music of the accent ringing in my ears, discover the maddest talent on the street where buskers bring the sun to your day no matter the actual weather; the town where every pub is filled with laughter, live music, good people and cider, the country that welcomes every outsider with an open heart, a society that improves despite all the complaining, the place where I learned to appreciate the sunshine between the rainfalls. No matter when but I’ll be back there for sure.

What kind of music do you like to listen to – your favourite singer/composer?

Lol you’re asking a girl with a music blog, it would take a lifetime to properly answer that question.

But the short version is: The Script has my heart more than any other bands ever had. Not only because they’re great (they are, forget your prejudice and give  a good listen. Obviously they’re not everyone’s cup of tea but their craftsmanship is respectable.) it’s not only their songs though but also their positive attitude to making music, the live energy that never fails to impress and the people who love them. Their fanbase is incredible. (And the story if this video makes you wanna hug your parents for everything they do.)

What is your favourite blog to read?

Oh no, no and no, I can’t answer that! I mean literally impossible.

What’s your favourite activity on a weekend?

Beach walking. I always end up in the water no matter the weather, and with my bottom pieces of clothing all wet. Totally worth it though!

What is you favourite book?

I don’t think I’ve got one. I’m a very fickle reader. I read quickly and I enjoy many genres (tend to gravitate towards fantasy though) and rarely read a book twice or more.

Why did you decide to blog?

I’ve the unfortunate disposition of needing outside approval. I need to know that people like me and what I do, and I need to constant confirmation of that.

So why not vlogs or Instagram, you ask?

(Are you crazy?)

I love words, no matter the format, the language, I just need them in my life.

What is your favourite movie?

You’re very tough Ioana! These are difficult questions!!

(I’ve figured out what my problem is: I’ve a very bad memory. I can’t compare something I saw 10 years ago with something I saw last year.)

But I don’t watch a lot of movies. When I have Internet access I prefer TV series.

If you could give only one wise advice to a 15 year-old, what would it be?

One of amazing friends told me recently that she makes her daughter stand in front the mirror and list 10 things she loves about herself. I think that girl’s gonna be one confident ass-kicker!

Who is your best friend and what are his/her biggest qualities?

I don’t have a best friend but I usually find people who can make me laugh, who don’t give up easily (I’m hard work!), who make me think and inspire me.

How long did it take you to finish this post?

Lol, quite a while!

My nominations

Yes, finally were at the important part of the post: the bloggers you need to check!

I’m nominating 10 bloggers who were kind enough to comment and/or follow here. You make all the writing even more worthwhile by reading it. I know some of you aren’t new and/or have more than 300 followers but it wasn’t easy to find that info and I wanted to say thank you either way.

Gail blogs about her new life on the UK. Her life is definitely not ordinary!

From writing to wellness Kay has a real positive corner

Kris has a motivating approach to wellness, love her energy.

Poems, quotes, micro stories on this cool blog.

Marquessa’s blog is full of well-written, positive stories.

It’s called a life less ordinary and it is pure happiness to read.

Beautiful and colourful quotes to send you sunshine.

This is one heartwarming blog not about the struggles but the amazing things of having a child who lives the days fully with parents that prove that love conquers all.

Cats. Need I say more? 💚

Ana is a unique and generous blogger with slightly psychic abilities, love her blog.

Enjoy visiting them, and don’t forget to leave a comment on one of their posts!

Their challenge

If they accept the challenge of nominating 10 other bloggers, here are the 10 questions to answer first:

How do you eat your pancake?
Do you sing when you cook? (Do you cook?)
What would you rather live without: tea or coffee? Why?
To turn the world off do you watch a movie or listen to music?
Do you stream (music or movies) or prefer physical copies?
When was the last time you went to a record store?
What band did you last see at a concert?
What’s the best way to procrastinate?
What’s your happy place?
Are you going to do the A to Z blogging challenge in April?

Liebster Award Rules:

  • Thank your nominator.
  • Share the award on your blog.
  • Answer the 10 questions asked to you.
  • Ask 10 questions to 10 new nominees (who have less than 300 followers).
  • Notify them via social media.

I’d challenge the rest of you to pick 1 or 2 questions you like of the above 10, and leave your answers in the comments. I’d love to know you better! 💚

About Miss Andi

Learning to be unapologetically me but healthier. Shamelessly personifying my dog, Mia, who is my soulmate, though doesn't let me read as much as I used to. One day I'll finish a novel that will not save the world - but might make it smile.

18 comments on “Liebster award: check out these great blogs

  1. SpiritualJourney17
    4 March, 2016

    Congrats on your award Miss Andi – well deserved.


  2. bisimodupe1975
    4 March, 2016

    Congratulations Miss Andi. Interesting answers to the questions. I like that it was relaxed and down to earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. anaatcalin
    4 March, 2016

    First of all, congratulations for your award, Miss Andi, and thank you for the nomination! Wow, you do have quite a way with words. The answer to the first question touched me deeply, since I live away from my homeland as well (coast town at that) and miss its beaches and refreshing light. It’s the reason I set “The Executioner” there. Okay, I better stop or I’m gonna start to cry. Can I have a pancake? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Andi
      5 March, 2016

      Thank you for your kind words and I like how you go to your home in your mind when writing. I think it’s part of the reason why I like Irish bands (the other part being is that they’re awesome). Come over for pancakes, I’ll have some today! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kris
    4 March, 2016

    Just recently visited Ireland and I love it! Would love to go back someday. Thank you for the nomination. It is appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Andi
      5 March, 2016

      It’s a special place, that Ireland, most people fall in love. Interestingly, my family didn’t. They liked it, “it’s nice”, they said but without enthusiasm. It’s not for everyone.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kris
        5 March, 2016

        I loved the people and the spirit of the place. Would love to go back and see more of the country side


        • Miss Andi
          5 March, 2016

          Have you done the Atlantic Way? It’s a drive along the coast and it’s beautiful!


          • Kris
            5 March, 2016

            I have only been to Dublin


  5. mariedogwalker
    5 March, 2016

    Congratulations on your Liebster Award! Enjoyed reading your acceptance post. Thank you for nominating my blog for this award. It is wonderful to be included with so many amazing blogs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Andi
      5 March, 2016

      Thank you Marie, I’m glad you liked it and I’m looking forward to yours 😉


  6. A Life Less Ordinary
    7 March, 2016

    Thank you so much for the nomination and I love the answers to your questions because they are exactly how I would have answered them haha! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Liebster Award – Praising and “Prizing” Bloggers | Ana Calin

  8. Gail
    31 March, 2016

    Love your answers–I may steal a few for my 10! Thank you for the nomination, I hope I can do it justice. As for finding 10 blogs to pass it on, with the A-Z challenge now on, that should be easy-peasy! Gail at Making Life An Art

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Liebster Award | Making Life an Art

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